When working families win, we all win

Team Rashid — VA01
3 min readOct 20, 2020


Today, we rolled out our Compassion For Working Families plan. Our campaign centers working families, especially essential workers.

Our teachers, eldercare givers, nurses, hospital workers, grocery store workers, meatpacking workers, and warehouse workers are getting us through this difficult time. The majority of essential workers are women, people of color, and immigrants. Our society would be unable to function without them and we need elected leaders who understand the realities they face and are willing to protect their safety and economic security.

The needs of working families and essential workers will be my top priority when I’m elected to congress. That’s why today I’m rolling out a plan that reiterates my support for raising the minimum wage, securing better healthcare, supporting gig workers like rideshare drivers, fighting for paid family leave and universal pre-K, and repealing so-called “right-to-work laws.” Our district’s families need strong unions and high speed broadband. I’m able to proudly fight for these issues because I’m a candidate funded by the people and not by corporations.

Right now, in the middle of this pandemic, healthcare is top of mind for my family and working families all over the country. Healthcare is a human right and now more than ever, every single person deserves high quality care. You all know I’m very passionate about broadband internet and one of the reasons why that’s so important to me is because with high speed internet access, families have access to telemedicine care. This is especially critical because Virginia’s rural hospitals are closing at an alarming rate and so many folks in the district have to drive hours to get care. The convenience, accessibility, and low cost of telemedicine makes it possible for working families to get the healthcare they deserve, regardless of their zip code. I’m also fighting for continued Medicaid expansion and lower drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate with big drug companies.

Unions, working moms, and essential workers power my campaign. My opponent’s net worth jumped from $133K in 2007 to over $1.6 million, while in congress, and he is funded by corporate interests. This has left him out of touch and he continues to show that he doesn’t share my commitment to working families. Many of you probably saw the photos of Rob at a large, crowded, indoor, buffet. Almost no one at this event was wearing a mask. These photos are a slap in the face to the workers at the event space and to essential workers everywhere. Wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and avoiding large indoor crowds is a sign of respect. It’s about showing workers, your friends, and your neighbors that you care about their health and well being.

Rob Wittman knows that far too many essential workers do not have access to the healthcare they need, but he jeopardizes their health anyways. At the very least, the First District deserves a congressman who gives a damn about working people. With his words, actions, and legislation Rob Wittman shows time and time again that he does not care about you, your small business, your livelihood, and your families. The First District deserves better, compassionate leadership, that lifts every single community member up.

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we’re all in this together and that we need each other to get through this difficult time. A rising tide lifts all boats.

I believe that when working families win, we all win. Working families are struggling and they need real, lasting relief. Click here to read my working families plan and click here to get involved with our campaign.

